Chocolate Subscription Service: Your Monthly Dose of Happiness

Welcome to the Harry Specters Chocolate Club, your exclusive gateway to a world where each month promises a new horizon in the realm of gourmet chocolates. Here, every box is not just a collection of treats, but a journey through a galaxy of unique and enchanting flavours, crafted with love and innovation. When you subscribe, you gain more than just chocolates; you embark on a voyage of discovery and sensory delight.

Choose Your Journey

Our subscription boxes come in three sizes, catering to different tastes and appetites: a cosy collection of 9, a delightful dozen, or an extravagant set of 16 chocolates. We offer flexible subscription plans that range from 3 to 12 months, allowing you to tailor your experience to your lifestyle. You have the freedom to pause, change, or cancel your subscription at any time, ensuring that this journey is always your own.

Moreover, you can personalise your upcoming deliveries by requesting your favourite flavours or even suggesting new ones you’d like to try from our extensive selection.


With 36 flavours to choose from, there's something for every mood.

Engage with Our Creative Process

Being part of our Chocolate Club means engaging with a community that stands at the forefront of chocolate innovation. From time to time, we include extra chocolates that feature new, experimental flavours in your boxes. Your feedback on these trials is invaluable, helping us decide which flavours should become permanent fixtures in our line-up. This direct impact on our product development not only makes you a vital part of our community but also a co-creator in the truest sense.

An Extra Something Special 

Your adventure begins with a special surprise in your first box—a welcome gift from us to you, as a token of appreciation for joining our mission. As the months roll by, keep an eye out for unexpected treats that may appear alongside your regular selections. These could include chocopops, chocolate bars, and other delightful creations. Remember, every box arrives at your doorstep with free delivery, adding another layer of joy to your monthly chocolate experience.

A collection of chocolate bars and lollipops in colourful packaging

Chocolate Club members may receive random additional freebies during their subscription as an added token of our appreciation.

A Thoughtful and Continuous Gift

Looking for a gift that truly keeps on giving? Our Chocolate Club subscription is a thoughtful choice for any occasion, be it a birthday, Christmas, or any day worth celebrating. Each box serves as a recurring testament to your thoughtfulness, bringing a smile and a moment of joy to your loved one's day, month after month. It's more than just a gift; it’s an ongoing experience of happiness and surprise, wrapped in the rich, velvety layers of chocolate.

Join Our Mission 

Harry Specters is more than just a chocolate brand. We are a community of change-makers and advocates for inclusivity, particularly focusing on providing opportunities for autistic individuals. Each chocolate you receive is a product of our diverse and pioneering community, combining social change with culinary excellence.

By joining our Chocolate Club, you are not only treating yourself, or a loved one, to a monthly delight but also supporting a larger mission. Your subscription helps us continue to employ and empower autistic individuals, providing them with a platform to shine and excel in a supportive environment.

Photos of Harry Specters autistic employees. One photo is taken outside Aldi and the other shows a them making Easter eggs

69p of every £1 you spend on Harry Specters chocolate goes directly toward creating opportunities for autistic individuals.

Why Wait?

With Harry Specters, every chocolate is a bite of bliss, a moment of pure magic. Our chocolates are crafted not just to tantalize your taste buds but to challenge preconceptions and promote inclusion through every delicious piece. Sign up today to experience the joy, the community, and the positive impact of being a part of the Harry Specters Chocolate Club. Let's savour the sweet taste of change together. Every box of chocolate is a step towards a better future, crafted with care and filled with hope.

Rediscover your love for chocolate with Harry Specters, where every box is a new chapter in a story of taste, joy, and social impact. Join us in making every month a little sweeter, one chocolate at a time. Subscribe now and transform your relationship with chocolate into a force for good!


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