Our Social Cause

In order to carry out our social mission, we have identified a number of activities that help generate social value. These activities can be seen below in "THE SOLUTION" section.
Our social impact framework which includes theory of change can be found by clicking on the link below:

Our Social Impact (2012-2020)
Since the company inception in November 2012, we have a total number of 598 beneficiaries which mostly includes young autistic people. They contributed to the business in different ways. This includes making, packaging and selling chocolates for our online and corporate customers. Some of them were also involved in back office, design work and photography. In summary all of them learnt new skills resulting in increased confidence, hope, and aspirations for their future.

Three years (2018-2020) Social Impact a glance
- Harry Specters produced over 1,056,859 chocolates during the last 3 years. That's more than one chocolate for every person in Cambridgeshire (our home county)!
- This provided 13,162 employment hours for 33 employees and 1604 work experience hours for 35 young autistic people.
- Harry Specters generated over £123,263 of social value for the UK economy by hiring amazing autistic individuals and helping them secure a great job and become independent.
- This saved the government £51,734 and gave families £240,156 worth of respite hours while our employees made gorgeous chocolates.
- As a responsible business, we also care about the people who supply our chocolate. That's why Harry Specters on average paid a premium of 7% on every kg of cacao we sourced from farmers.
- On average, in the last 3 years, for every £1 spent at Harry Specters, 69p directly benefitted the lives of young autistic people and their families through paid employment, free work experience, and free training opportunities.
For a full report, please click on the link below:
Social Impact Report - 2020
Social Impact Report - 2019
Social Impact Report - 2018
Social Impact Report - 2017
Social Impact Report - 2016
Social Impact Report - 2015
Social Impact Report - 2013/14
One of the key outcomes is successfully creating an autism friendly work place. In such a workplace, autistic people can contribute to various tasks in order to create value for themselves and for Harry Specters.

Members of our staff and work experience students
Comments of Beneficiaries
"I like going to Harry Specters because the people there are nice."
Bruce, Work Experience and part-time employee.
"My son has got his confidence back now since working at Harry's. It was really hard to see him get rejected after each job interview after leaving college. He got top grades too. Harry's gave him a chance and he fitted in to the workplace and made new friends. He now has a new sense of self-worth and believes in himself again. I am very proud!"
Mum of a full-time employee
Darius, part-time employee
“Just wanted to say a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ for all your help and kindness. Greg has really enjoyed the experience you have made possible and he has grown in confidence..”
Excerpt from a Thank you card from Greg’s parents
“I have never received £100 for any work before! Thank you so much.”
Charlie Bailey, an ex-part-time employee
“I get quite emotional thinking about the look on Ross’ face when he showed me the cheque you gave him for his work. It was not about the money, but the confidence and self-worth he was feeling..”
Mother of one of our contract workers